
Saturday, October 22, 2011

~Life is a Journey~

Are you afraid to use those Copic Markers?

I was at first.

Then, I had fun.

I dabbed.

It's way easier than will build your confidence.

Try dabbing in those colors with your copics...the brush stroke end.

You'll get hooked, I'm tellin' ya! ;)

Thanks for stopping in today. ;)


Martha Stewart clear camellia stamps,Inkadinkado The Great Outdoors sentiment,Memento ink black,Spellbinders Label Four,Kaisercraft black rhinestones,stapler,Copics orange,red,and powder pink


  1. This is gorgeous! What a really neat effect! Your design is neat as well, I enjoy the tag like feel and the ribbon. The colors are so striking too. Fantastic card. Thanks too, for playing along at CAS-ual Fridays this week!

  2. This is gorgeous, Marlena! I love the effect of the blotting and your use of tags and staples. Fabulous!

  3. Lovely card Marlena! I was so pleased when I saw the start of your blog post. I was a 'collector' rather than a 'user' for soooo long. Keep playing, it's so much fun!! I LOVE sitting colouring with mine now. In fact you have just inspired me to shut my computer down and go and colour instead lol

  4. So pretty!! I love the dabbing--what a great effect! Love the colors.

  5. Awesome card!
    Thanks for playing at CAS-ual Fridays!

  6. dabbing, huh? hmmm...might have to give that a try! I'm copic challenged but I think I might like your technique!! Lovely project. Thanks for playing at CAS-ual Fridays!

  7. I'm afraid to use my Copics, that's for sure. My coloring skills struggle sometimes. But I love how you colored the flowers - the chunky coloring really gives a great dramatic effect! Thanks so much for playing with us at CAS-ual Fridays!!


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