
Sunday, May 22, 2011


     There is VICTORY today in more than one girls crafted with me today!  I am a proud, proud mama and am grateful to Scrapping Mommy for hosting this excellent Kid's challenge!
  I enjoyed crafting in the same room (and being so caught up in my card, I didn't "meddle" in theirs). :)  I turned off that pesky meddling switch...crafting is such a personal thing, isn't it?

     Shelby has a sweet, soft card for spring:

I love how she highlighted her bunny. ;)

Amanda went on a slightly different route:

I love the vibrancy in her card. ;)

Mallory created this mod card with Want2Scrap bling I won:

I love her classy pink and black. ;)

God created them uniquely with their own styles and visions.  I love it!!!

     As for me, I created a card for Our Daily Bread's ODBDSLC61 Plaid or Gingham .

I used ODBD Keep My Lamp Burning set.

Thanks for peeking in at all of our creations! :)

Shelby's Card:  Stampendous Birch Buddies, Staz On Ink, colored with Prismacolor Pencils and blended with Prismacolor Pen

Amanda's Card: My Cute Stamps Konnichiwa, Kaisercraft La Di Da, Staz On Ink, colored with Prismacolor Pencils and blended with Prismacolor Pen

Mallory's Card: Sizzix Flower dies, Want2Scrap bling, Sizzix Lucky Ducky dies

My card:ODBD Keep My Lamp Burning, Sizzix Die, MS Pattern Stamps, Staz On Ink, Tim Holtz Distressed Ink Tea Die, Stitches drawn in with Zig marker


  1. I am loving all the cards and I just love it when my kids craft with me, too. Thanks so much for taking the time to join in on our challenge. All of the cards are fabulous and I just love the personalities of each of them. I really love the plaid and stars on yours....they just go so well together.


  2. What fun cards!! I just love the verse you put into the star. It is one of my absolute faves!! A great reminder!! Thanks for joining the ODBD Shining the Light challenge this week!!

  3. WOW, Marlena, you sure have some crafting daughter's there!! I only know so well, that they always tend to end up in the room with you, my two girls do the same thing! Tell your DD's that their cards are AWESOME and so is yours and perfect for this weeks Shining the Light Challenge over at ODBD..thanks for thanking the time to play along. Hugs and blessings, Sabrina

  4. AWWW, your kids cards are really cute! Pls tell your kids they did such a great job! Your card for the ODBDSL Challenge turned out beautiful too..glad you had a chance to play along! Hugs ~S~


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