
Saturday, January 27, 2024

DT Designer Choice Paper Piecing

It's time for a new challenge at INkspirational~

Picket Fence Studios Boys of All Seasons, Avery Elle Harvest Collection Paper Pad, Sizzix Tim Holtz Retro TV die

This time the prompt is Marina's choice, and she chose paper piecing!

I stamped and die cut this image from Picket Fence Studios, and colored his face and hair.

As I was debating a color for his shirt, I decided this would be the card I paper pieced.

I stamped mostly the bottom of the image on patterned paper from Avery Elle, and fussy cut.


Please visit our challenge blog to see what my talented teammates paper pieced and join us with your unique creation~


  1. How cute is this birthday boy card! Retro awesome, my friend! His paper pieced shirt is a delightful touch!

  2. What a fun design Marlena with the birthday boy on TV - won't he feel special receiving this card! Wonderful retro TV die - we had one something like this when I was young eons ago! Julia xx

  3. Fabulous retro vibes Marlena! I really love this brilliant design. Vicky x

  4. What a cool retro style card. And great choice of paper piecing his shirt.


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