
Monday, February 13, 2023

Thankful Turtle

I know cute isn't my usual route, but lately I'm kicking them out there. ;)

It helps to stamp multiple images from a set, and set them where I'll see them.

At random times I'll Copic them.

Little steps lead to big steps. ;)

  Photo Play Paper Monterey Bay turtle, Concord & 9th Marbled Turnabout, HoneyBee Stamps Inside: Thankful Sentiment & die

I really liked all the images in this Photo Play Monterey Bay set...they all had such character!

 Simon Says (Wednesday): Fun With Dies

The marbled background is a strip I had trimmed from a project here .

It helps to have die cut sentiments laying about as well ;).

Thank you for your kind visit~


  1. What a beautiful card you made :-))
    Thank you for playing with us at TheMaleRoom ❤️

  2. Beautiful card! You incorporated nature very nicely. Thanks for playing at The Male Room challange.


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