
Saturday, February 19, 2022

DT INkspirational Shaped Cards

It's time for another INkspirational Challenge!

Reverse Confetti Lovely Tag Confetti cuts/2 Way Stripes Tag, Sunny Studio Berry Bliss Strawberries, Honey Bee Stamps Inside: Thankful Sentiments, 


The prompt is Shaped Cards, so I came up with a card that was cut from a tag die.

Super easy to do...

If you're like me and you've created a tag you LOVE...but can't seem to figure out how to place on a card....

make it a card!

This isn't mind blowing ;), but I'll show you the cut anyway... 

As long as you sit the die above the can make any shaped card you like!

I set that tag right on top of the card cut out.

Another thing...if you've kicked yourself for not buying the Reverse Confetti Topped Off Tag, like I did (CAN'T FIND IT ANYWHERE)...but you bought one of the fancy tags for the top of it (like the 2 Way Stripes that's on sale)...

the new Lovely Tag Confetti cuts is pretty darn close.

I cut it in green and then the 2 Way Stripes Tag Layer in grey and angled it a smidge. 

I used a hole punch to cut any extra in the hole so the ribbon could fit through. 

The hole reinforcer from the Lovely Tag set will cover any extra from the 2 Way.

I might be the only cardmaker that found herself in this dilemma, but I'm kicking it out there. ;)

You. Have. Got. To. See. What. My. Team mates. Created!!!

My goodness they all have such amazing designs to share with you, so please visit our challenge blog and join us with your unique creation~

Thank you for your sweet visit today~


  1. FABULOUS idea and creation, Thanks Marlena.
    Faith x

  2. Love your tag design; super love that you've transformed it into a beautiful mini card with mega impact!

  3. A tag shaped card, I think that's a brilliant idea, and it's got ribbon and string and the works. Super!

  4. I love it. I need to use that idea for other dies I own.


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