
Saturday, June 12, 2021

DT INkspirational Slimline

It's time for another challenge at INkspirational~

Pink and Main Beautiful Slimline dies, Momenta Serif Alpha, Brutus Monroe Cardstock, Glitterific paint, Acrylic Paint

I got to choose the theme this time and I chose Slimline Cards.

Please visit the challenge blog to see my talented team mates' work and join us!


I've been messing with my acrylics and Glitterific paints lately~

Thank you for your visit today!


  1. Such a terrific background! Perfect for the big, bold HI. Love the card!

  2. I love the simplicity of the word over the fabulous splash of glittery paint. Looks great.

  3. Ooh la la...this is one glittery, stylish card, Marlena! Someone will be smiling brightly when this lovely gem arrives in their mailbox!


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