
Saturday, September 19, 2020

Inkspirational DT Day

It's time for another INkspirational challenge!

 Erin Lee Creative Peace, Love & Happiness sentiment, Papertrey Ink Stylized Autumn (retired), My Favorite Things Stitched Squares

This time around the theme is :

After you've viewed my card, you'll probably have this song in your head for at least two days...

sorry, not sorry. ;)

My daughter loves the Beatles, so I'm quite familiar with this lovely tune~

My talented teammates have created something wonderful, please be sure to visit them at the challenge blog!

Please join us with your unique creation~


  1. AH! Memories, I was an early teen when the Beatles arrived, I used to scream when I saw them on TV, in Black & White, no colour in those days. Yep! I know this song well. Your card is gorgeous Marlena, fab colour combo and I love how you have dressed it also.
    Faith x

  2. Such an incredibly sweet card, Marlena! I have that fox set somewhere in my collection; after seeing what you've done, I'm motivated to look for it! The searching begins...

  3. As songs go, it's a good one if there has to be one stuck in my head! :D This is so cute with the sweet fox and autumn colours.

  4. What a fun card. I love the bold style of the image and the sentiment.

  5. The clean layout really speaks to me, along with the golden autumnal colors. A beautiful creation.

  6. Lovely card - matting the fox in the layers of autumnal coloured card looks great.


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