
Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Super Powers Sparkle Can

I was blessed to win Plant a Garden stamp set from Funky Fossil Designs~

 Funky Fossil Designs Plant a Garden, Brutus Monroe Mic Drop Embossing Powder/Clear Embossing Ink

 I colored  with Copics for

 and I embossed with Brutus Monroe Mic Drop for

 you can see the subtle shimmer~

For the record, I'm not a gardener, ;)

but I admire those that have the skill!

 Thanks for stopping by today~



  1. Gardening is much like crafting: sometimes you succeed and sometimes you fail :-D.Love your watering can. ank you for playing at AAA Cards.

  2. Awesome card, loving your choice of the Funky Fossil watering can. Thanks for playing at AAA Cards, hope to see you join in with future challenges too.


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