
Saturday, November 30, 2019

INkspirational DT Post: Naughty

It's time for another challenge at INkspirational!

Simon Says Stamp Playful Messages, Alcohol Inks

This time the prompt is "naughty".
I pulled out my Simon Says Stamp Playful message for this one. ;)

Please come and visit my talented team mates at the challenge and link up your unique creation!


  1. super sentiment for this challenge-so much fun and love the splashes of colour!

  2. Very cute! I like the effect you did on the background colors and shapes. Looks like we had similar thoughts on how to interpret this challenge... I love your funny sentiment!
    - Shauna

  3. Hehe, that is one funny sentiment, love it as well as your modern design style here.

  4. Great swaths of colors here Marlena! Love the tongue in cheek sentiment!

  5. What a gorgeous effect with that fabulous colour combo.

  6. Lol... That Sentiment is so useful I must say...😂😂😂
    Love the colour play on your card

  7. OHMYGOSH! That sentiment is fabulous and yes, I feel that way about some people...some days...some of the time! Love the bold background!


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