
Monday, September 16, 2019

Monochrome Sympathy

Brutus Monroe Inspiration Box Autumn Sunrise patterned papers, Papertrey Ink Geode dies, MayMay Made It Blessed Inside and Out sentiment

I'm grateful for the prompt at 

because it got this card done.

I've been swerving from designing a "must" card because I was afraid of too many feels.

The photo prompt at Time Out Challenges helped too.

The uncolored panel from the Brutus Monroe Inspiration Box 

(which included patterned paper) helped TONS, as well as the 

Papertrey Ink Geode dies and MayMay Made it Blessed Inside and

 Out sentiment.

I corrugated the strip for texture (texture speaks comfort to me).

Now to sign, seal, deliver and pray.


  1. I noticed this card on IG! I really love the monochromatic look and that pattern paper is awesome. I thought that strip was ribbon until I saw that you corrugated it... great texture! Very cute and thanks for playing at Time Out! =)
    - Shauna

  2. These cards are s hard to make but you did a great job and love the touch of corrugated card adding a nice texture to this-great to see you at Time Out

  3. Crisp and stylish, Marlena ... fabulous texture with the black strip ... and what a great sentiment that says it all. Thanks so much for playing along with us at Time Out! Anita :)

  4. Your cards are always so pretty, and this is no exception. I love that you used that geode die as a placement for your sentiment. It's so different! And I love the corrugated strip too! Thanks for joining our Time Out challenge!


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