
Thursday, June 20, 2019

You Rock

Quite possibly the coolest stamp set I own. ;)

Brutus Monroe Rock On, Avery Elle Double Pierced Rectangles

I had to rock it, so to speak. ;)

Oh and by the way...this is as cool as I get.
Rockin' cards.
In real life, I walk into a Harley store and make the guy chuckle.
True story. 
 He LAUGHED, and then he asked, "why are you here".
Yah, I'm "that" cool. ;)
I cleared my throat to say I was there to buy a shirt for my brother-in-law.
He actually looked relieved. ;)
If you saw me walk in you'd be relieved I wasn't out on a motorcycle.
Just sayin'. 
I know my place.
the end.

Thanks for stopping in~


  1. Great post Marlena and great card. Thanks for joining us at Watercooler Wednesday Challenge this week.

  2. Well I think the man was very rude! If he saw this card he's know how cool you really are. I totally love the way you've created this with colour blocks and I hope you don't moind me pinning it for inspiration.


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