
Saturday, May 18, 2019

Gold Dipped Inkspirational DT

There's a new challenge up at Inkspirational!

This time it's my choice and I came up with Gold Dipped~

Here's my take:

 Unity Stamp Company Live for the Moments sentiment, Avery Elle Double Pierced Rectangles, My Favorite Things Pierced Squares, gold washi

 I LOVE using gold washi or any washi for that matter, and presenting a dipped look.

If you use a die to cut after the washi is applied~it comes out really crisp!

 I'm sure you can come up with all kinds of gold dipped looks using washi, embossing powder, gold pen...

let's see what you can come up with!

Thanks for stopping by~ 


  1. I so admire how you layer your cards so much and always in the perfect way! I had never thought of this way to use washi....although I have none! But what a cool idea-I had it in my head this was Anila's idea but sorry-it was yours and I think it made us all shine-you put us to the test and we showed what we can do! Thanks for the challenge-one super idea x

  2. This is great! Thanks for the interesting challenge... I like having to think outside of the box! Your dipped panels look great and as always(!), I like how you layered all the pieces together.
    - Shauna

  3. I'm trying to get a hold of you and can't find your email listed anywhere. I'm am trying through this comment. Can you please contact me at Thanks much - Vicki for JUGS.

  4. You certainly made us all think out of the box on this one, Marlena. I’ve got plenty of tapes and always appreciate new tips on how to use them. Cool, contemporary design!

  5. Your designer choice sure had me thinking; hopefully, my 'dip' into Delicata Gold ink paired with gold gems fits alright. Your card: cool and innovative...just like the challenge!

  6. What a great idea to use washi tape and to die cut your shapes. They really look like they have been dipped in gold! Great challenge, I enjoyed this one! xx

  7. Oh I would never have guessed it was washi. What a great effect! I love the design your squares slightly remind me of After Eight mints - not sure why - but that is a good thing to my mind!

  8. That's super amazing Marlena. I wouldn't have known it is a washi tape. It looks so clean and elegant.
    And Thank you for the wonderful theme. It definitely got us all thinking. Also love the take each of us came up with


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