
Saturday, May 4, 2019

Adventure Inkspirational DT

It's time for a new challenge at Inkspirational!

Simon Says Stamp Dress Up Tags, Papertrey Ink Glorious Globes Basics, journaling card

I'm in need of a ton of a graduation this prompt is SPOT ON.

I built up from the journaling card colors;

it always helps when I need a place to start.

As for the tag, I painted some blue acrylic paint on cardstock and die cut after the fact.

My sister passed on some Dr. Seuss stickers 

(along with a bunch of other stickers~she's the best!).

I thought it went swimmingly with the globe.

Please join us and share your unique creation!

 Thanks for stopping by~


  1. I love your card. Graduation ones are hard for me, but this works well! But also, I really love how you photographed it! Very cool!

    Thanks for your comment on my blog!

  2. Wonderful take on the challenge and adore you used the globe and yet again all put together to perfection. Lovely colour mix too x

  3. So fun and colorful. You’re great at using lots of colors and still keep the overall look clean and simple.

  4. A perfect graduation card, Marlena! Love the globe and Dr. Suess sentiment pairing! Yayyyy for generous sisters!

  5. What a great design - yes the globe and sentiment go so well and fit the theme perfectly.

  6. I love your card. Surprised to see we both used tags on our cards. The bright colours here are so pretty


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