
Sunday, September 9, 2018

Pop Up Card

Make It Monday #335: Pop Up Slider Cards

hosted by BetsyVeldman 

is a good one!

 stamps: Papertrey Ink The Sweet Life flowers/Valentine Pin-Ups fox/Half & Half sentiment

 I combined several sets for my card.

When Betsy put legs on the pumpkin, I decided I would try the Valentine Pin Ups set.

 The characters are so cute~I wanted to bring one out for another season!

 I'll be honest...I went through at least six mechanisms until I admitted the ears needed cut off.

It helped TONS.

Don't be intimidated~

if I could do it, anyone can ;).
Thanks for stopping by~


  1. Cute, cute, CUTE Marlena!! Your little foxy is so sweet and I love seeing her nestled amongst the beautiful flowers! Had to chuckle about the fox's ears too...oh the things we learn from MIM's!! :0)

  2. adorable! Congratulations for persevering with the mechanics.
    I'm not the least bit mechanical so sat this out.


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