
Monday, August 14, 2017

Pastels, Pencils & a Hint of Black

I challenged myself to work with pastels today.

(stamps: Simon Says Stamp Wild Beauty   dies:Winnie & Walter In A Word Hugs Cutaway,Lawn Fawn Puffy Cloud Borders, Avery Elle Wonky Stitches)

I followed the sketch and a couple of pastel colors in the following challenge~adding a hint of black as lining.

I thought the cloud border would work as an interesting element here.

I'm pleased I can use it more often, and not just for a sky scene.

yup, it feels like a Monday alright. ;)

One foot in front of the other, people.... 


1 comment:

  1. Marlena, this card is absolutely gorgeous! Thanks for joining us at Fusion!


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