
Saturday, January 7, 2017

New Mercies

I'm so glad God gives us new mercies for today.

It gives me hope!

This hope lifts me above my anxieties~

(stamps:Verve New Mercies/Borderline  dies:Lawn Fawn Puffy Cloud Borders,Avery Elle Elle-Ments Double Pierced Rectangles,Sizzix Framelits Kite)

I used this Mojo Monday sketch: the clouds represent the horizontal strip and I stamped x-stitches for the vertical panel.

Yessss, to the bright colors in this challenge!!!!

New stuff.....
I used these cloud borders for the first time~

 Simon Says (Wednesday): New Something
They helped set the scene for my kite die which I've had since who knows when....

Have a good one friends~



  1. This is so fabulous! Love the bouncy clouds and darling kite. Thanks for joining us for Mojo Monday!

  2. One of my fav sentiments!! Great card- so glad you joined us at CTD!

  3. Oh, this is such an awesome card!! Love it! You rocked both the Mojo and the Color Throwdown challenges!

  4. I love your pretty kite soaring over the clouds! I, too, am thankful for God's incredible mercy and grace!

  5. Such a fun design! Thank you playing along with us at CTD this week!

  6. This is a beautiful card Marlena and a great message as well! I love your take on the sketch as well. It is nice to be able to start a new day with new mercies! Hugs, Brenda

  7. How delightful, Marlena! Love the cheery elements and colorful design! Thanks so much for playing Simon Says Stamp Wednesday “New Something” Challenge! Well done!


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