
Monday, January 30, 2017

Masculine Orange Valentine

I created a masculine valentine for my man~

(stamps: My Favorite Things Because You, Verve More than Love  dies:My Favorite Things Die-namics Houndstooth Coverup/ Peek-a-Boo Wonky Windows,Verve Amazing Adjectives Word Die set/More than Love, Papertrey Ink Valentine Pin-Ups die cut~green strip)

He loves orange~so anytime I can incorporate it, I do!

 Simon Says (Wednesday):Anything Goes

 I made something new with a new product (just picked up this MFT Houndstooth coverup); so I'm entering the following challenges...

NBUS Challenge #10

Work it Wednesday January 2017:Make Something New with a New Product

Here's a handy tip I learned from Laurie's tutorial on Jennifer McGuire's blog.

Get some press 'n seal -you can use the rest in the kitchen!

 Here is where I press 'n sealed the cut pieces and flipped over for glue application.

~That's the long and short of it~

-my new phrase and I don't know where I picked it up-

my hubby says I say it all the time now. ;)


Thanks for stopping by friends~



  1. Love the abstract nature of your valentine. Cool use of mat cover up die pieces.

  2. I like the design of your card. Looks great!

  3. That Press 'n Seal trick is a life saver! Love the way you framed your heart.

  4. What a fun masculine Valentine card for hubby Marlena! I love it! And that is the long and short of it. lol I think I am liking that saying. Love the press and seal for the craft room! Hugs, Brenda

  5. What a fabulous card. Love the cool design of it.

  6. this is so fun and edgy, Marlena! Love the bright color combo you chose! So glad that you join the fun over Simon Says Stamp Wednesday “Anything Goes” Challenge! Awesome details and design! Super work!

  7. Ah, cool, that's a phrase I love! The long and the short of it is I just love the manly Valentine you made for your beloved, Marlena! I'm sure he will cherish it! Thank you very much for playing in NBUS Challenge #10! Hugs, Darnell


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