
Friday, December 30, 2016

MFT Colors & a Recycled Tag

So about those tags....

I've already erased the names on this one...


(stamps:My Favorite Things Christmas Ornaments sentiment/Bokeh Builder  die:Simon Says Stamp Stitched Dress Up Tags)

The tag was created with these colors, but Christmas came and I needed it before posting.

I showcased it on a card for next year, using this sketch

Simon Says (Wednesday): Anything Goes

Sooo, 2016 is ending.



I need to pump on the brakes a little/

though some of you might be gunning it to start a new year and say good riddance to the last.


I get it.

Either way, a day is just a day.

At least it's new though, right?

 Have a good one~ 


  1. Cute card and cute tag Marlena! Love to see tags on cards as I really have a hard time putting them on a card and making it look right. I don't know, the years go by faster and faster and I would love to slow it down! So not sure I'm ready to go into a new year, but hoping and praying that 2017 will be a better one for me and my son! Happy New Year Marlena! Hugs, Brenda

  2. Love your fabulous tag card.
    Thank you for joining us at Simon says Stamp Wednesday Challenge.


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