
Sunday, September 11, 2016

Miss You Tree

Stamping trees makes me happy. ;)

Adding color?

Now THAT brings it to the therapeutic level.


(stamps:Papertrey Ink Mighty Oak/Circle Scribbles/Communique Sentiments  dies:Spellbinders Media Mixage Bezel)

I was inspired by the fun tutorial at Papertrey~

host:Danielle Flanders

I used this bold combo on the colored panel of the tree.

I'm ready for fall, but I'm not ready for fall.

You feel me?

I'm glad it's not up to me. 


 It's gonna happen whether I'm feelin' it or not,

and I find that comforting.

 There have been so many changes, but some changes are expected and good.

Have a great day guys~

1 comment:

  1. Love the technique and colors together!! Yes, I am ready for fall but, not ready for fall :) So glad you joined us at CTD!!


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