
Friday, September 23, 2016

Masculine Florals

hosted by Betsy Veldman,

because both of my brothers-in-law have birthdays coming up!

First card...(zoom in-the dandelion florals are barely visible in kraft color above and below the brown leaves)

 (stamps:Papertrey Ink Meadow Greens/The Sweet Life  die:Papertrey Ink Big Basics Birthday)

second card...

 (dies:Papertrey Ink Big Basics Birthday/Stylized Autumn,My Favorite Things Horizontal Stitched Strips)

Two man cards DONE...I call that a day. :)

  Now to get them in the mail on time....

1 comment:

  1. I really like how graphic that second one is in particular. I love crisp lines!


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