
Monday, April 11, 2016

Happy Birthday Red & Blues

I have multiple journaling cards, so I grabbed a red & blue one and built up from there~

(stamps:Papertrey Ink Rosie Posie/Winter Woods)
(reds, blues, and woodgrain stripes)

I don't often add ribbons to my work, but this rickrack wanted to ground this card. :)

You know you've been cooped up too long in the craft room when you imagine your supplies with feelings.


"Rainy days and Mondays always get me down..." comes to mind on this dreary day in my neck of the woods.

I'm not down, but I ammm getting sleepy....

Thanks for brightening my day~


  1. Love how this journaling card looks made into this beautiful birthday card Marlena! The rick rack is fabulous on this card. It was dreary here in PA too this morning, but now the sun is out. Not super bright, but it is out! lol Go have a nap! Hugs, Brenda

  2. Your comment about your supplies having feelings just totally made me smile, as did your pretty card! Wonderful take on the inspiration photo!

  3. Journal cards make good foundations for cards, don't they? Thanks for submitting your card to Inspired by all the little Things.
    Kim, DT

  4. Lovely card! Wonderful take on the inspiration photo! Thanks so much for joining us at Inspired By the Little Things!

  5. What a beautiful card! Love your take on the inspiration. And thank you joining us at Inpisred by All the Little Things!

  6. I'm getting sleepy, too... Starting to go a bit cross-eyed. LOL! But I love this beautiful number, and that rick-rack is such a great touch!


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