
Saturday, December 19, 2015


I went die, color and star crazy ~

(stamps:,free Verve Digis  -THANKYOU!!!  dies:Spellbinders Classic Circles/Scalloped Circles  other:star confetti)

Ok, so I STARTED signing all those cards I've been busy creating.

 I had to stop midway, though, because my family kept talking to me and I lost my focus.

I gave up the battle and I'll pick it up when I can.

It will happen, eventually-I gave it a healthy go. ;)

No worries~ ha!



  1. Love your fun, wonky non-traditional Christmas colors!

  2. I just love this non-traditional style of Christmas here!! What a happy and fun layout!! HUGS :)

  3. Oh, how fun! Love these fun colors and patterns.

  4. Fabulous card Marlena! The colours are so bold and striking, & I love the shiny stars.
    Thanks for joining us at Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Challenge
    Mandy xx


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