
Monday, September 21, 2015

You Are Cool

Ok, something REALLY exciting happened last night...

my 14 year old implied that I'm cool.

She didn't come right out and SAY it...but she asked me to make a card for her to give to someone.

I connected the rest of the dots. ;)

I might be stretching her words but I know she's thinking it....


(stamps: Technique Tuesday Ali Edwards Incredible  paper: Heidi Swapp Favorite Things)

I was so excited to fulfill her order, that she laughed at my exuberance with

 "Look at you go!"


I tell you what...when you get a request from someone to create (and they've seen your work)'s the greatest feeling in the world, right?!

I stamped away here...suited for the challenge at

 This card is for a fellow dancer my daughter knows...hence the music note.

Since it's a CAS...I'm entering it also at

 My week already started off great with crafty crafty...I think this may turn out to be a promising one!

Have a great week friends!




  1. Oh, this is just fabulous! Love the design.

  2. Such a fun card. Love the handwritten stamps. Thank you so much for joining us at Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge. Hugs, Sandra

  3. Fabulous, very stylish, thanks for playing along with us this month at CAS-ual Fridays! Rebecca x

  4. Awe, love the bright colors and drama here with the sweet little musical note!! So fantastic, and your 14 year old is right, you are definitely cool! :)

    Thanks for playing along with the CAS-ual Fridays Challenge!


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