
Wednesday, September 9, 2015

We Have Enough

This sentiment pretty much sums how I should view my closets and den.

The one thing I would do before every military move is purge.

I haven't purged since our move's been about 7 years of retirement.

During this slow and painful weeding out mode...

I've stumbled over tiny fold out chairs that would hold my girlies FEET....if that~

I'm the shortest of the crew as we speak.

It makes me tear up.

My. Word.

Annnnnd this is why I haven't purged through my closets sooner. ;)
I don't have the heart and there are so many memories tumbling through my brain....

But drive on I SHALL, because someone, somewhere, will be blessed by these darling trio of chairs, loads of picture books, and little girl dreams. 



Thanks for stopping by ;)

stamp: Sweet Stamp Shop Fall Gratitude
die: Sweet 'n Sassy Season of Change


  1. Another awesome project, Marlena. I always SO enjoy your fabulous art. I wanted to stop by and invite you to play along with us this week at Word Art Wednesday. We have a $25 Simon Says Stamp gift certificate up for grabs along with 14 other AMAZING prizes for our big celebration. I hope that you will stop by and link up with us for YOUR chance to win. Hope to see you there!
    Word Art Wednesday

  2. Wonderful card Marlena! I love the pretty pink and the design is so striking.
    Thanks for joining us at Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Challenge
    Mandy xx


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