
Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Life is Good Dear

Life IS good dear!

It really really is.

I've got a confession.

I'll share this card and the challenges and then I'll fess up at the end of the post for whoever cares to read on. ;)

Don't feel bad if you don' is CRAZY BUSY~totally understand guys.

(Technique Tuesday Ordinary Days,Simon Says Stamp Greeting Blocks dies,Papertrey Ink In the Meadow dies, Sizzix die)

My word, the verse from Word Art Wednesday this week couldn't be more timely...

1 Chronicles 16:11

ok I HAVE to open up we go for whoever cares to read on...

I've been "not well" since Feb...hence the MIA action.

I've been through all sorts of scans...even a diagnostic laproscopic surgery to try to find the culprit of this mysterious pain I've got going on...

but it's still unexplainable.

Everything looks good on paper...that's great

...but there is still a nagging pain for which there is zero reason.

I was even treated for INTERNAL SHINGLES cuz the pain was so bad.

Yah, it's a thing.

I took the meds just in case..couldn't hurt, right?

Only God knows what this is.

For now...I'm ok with that.

The miracle is, He has given me peace through all of this.

I'm usually such a wimp don't even know.

It's fair to say I've bordered on being a hypochondriac throughout my life.

But this time, it's different.

I've faced scans, several doctors and surgery with zero fear of death...

I know it's God.

He has seriously given me strength to endure serious pain for which there is no explanation.

It's not constant, mind you..but it strikes without warning.

As a result...I've missed church, grad parties...and I've had to take it 

one day.


a time.

I'm grateful for each day He gives me.

It could be serious.

It could be nothing (I might live 'til I'm 80!)

Either way, God holds my future. 

I'm not sure why I feel led to "put my biz" out there...I'm not asking for sympathy or even attention...

I just feel like someone needs to know that they aren't alone in pain...

hey...I'm waiting in a hallway too, guys.

Somehow, some way...God can use this.

We aren't forgotten, even when we feel that way.

I may not be the old me 

but this is a new me...

and I have to say...

I'm OK.

 I'm at peace.

 ~as long as God is there with me~

That is all.

Life is good dear.


  1. How many time have I seen on a patients chart Pain NYD not yet diagnosed? It cheered me to hear you were at peace with all this severe pain. Your card has a certain joy about it as well. I really like the layout. Thank you so much for taking time to post your very creative art with us this week at Word Art Wednesday in our 201st AG challenge!
    Blessings and Hugs, Carole
    Remember this a merry heart doeth good like a medicine.

  2. I am sorry to hear that you have not been well and have been dealing with some unknown discomfort....I am relieved to know that you are at peace with "whatever it is" and trust in the Lord. I will be thinking of you often in this regard. I hope that things will all work out! ( And you will live till good old age at 95!)! I love the geometric patterns that you created along with the deer! It's absolutely lovely, Marlena! So glad that you join the fun over Virginia’s View “Geometric Patterns” Challenge! Sending hugs to you!


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