
Friday, September 18, 2015

Continue to Bloom Where You Are Planted

It amazes me how quickly time is flying!

Is it just me,

or am I getting to be an old lady.

Don't answer that. ;)

Lately the term "relevant" is in my head...

how to be RELEVANT to this generation that I'm still "kicking" in.

I don't want to become outdated or unusable to these younguns that need our

 "I've lived-long-enough-to-realize" witness.

Not that I'm all that bright or wise...

but I've experienced a thing or two in my 45 years of life on this earth.

I've had even more to say since becoming a Christian.

I need to remember to continue growing and blooming~

not refusing to extend beyond the generation comfortable for me 

(up until 3 years ago...ha ha ha ;)  )


(stamp: Papertrey Ink Teach & Inspire, Flourishes Tiny Flowers & Tags,  Waltzingmouse Stamps Paris Nouveau, die: Spellbinders, ink: Versafine Onyx, Hero Arts (Soft Pool, Wet Cement), Memento Lilac Posies)

I pulled out stamp sets you can't find today ....

(one which comes from a company that I hope resurfaces)...

and combined with a current set...

hence, the nostalgia and deep thoughts...

sorry, I'm rambling...

Here are the challenges...

All this being rambled....
I'm so grateful for the creative world.
It's one venue that I can experiment in, with trends such as 
black and white accents (ME LOVES!).
Thanks for listening to an older lady carry on....  
cuz "back in my day.......

1 comment:

  1. Personally I think wisdom at your age is exactly what the younger one need. Godly wisdom is even better. A great card. Thank you so much for taking time to post your very creative art with us this week at Word Art Wednesday in our 201st AG challenge!
    Blessings and Hugs, Carole


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