
Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Every Moment

When I was younger, I swung from big moment to big moment...barely appreciating the mundane days.

I think most kids do.

Now that I'm 45 and I've seen friends, family come and go...literally move on from this life...

man, I just appreciate every. single. mundane. moment. I. have. with. my. loved. ones.

Thank you God for today.

I received good news that my dear friend who went through surgery this morning does NOT...I repeat, does NOT have cancer.

Thank you, thank you Lord Jesus.


stamp: Hero Arts Thoughtful Messages
ink: Versafine Onyx
other: Roobee tag by Mara Mi
die: Sweet 'n Sassy Season of Change Leaf Dies
paper: Bazzill


  1. What wonderful news for your friend. And this card is perfect to sum up your happiness! Thanks for sharing this with us at colourQ!

  2. What a fun card, Marlena and good news for your friend! I know it makes your heart lighter today! thanks for joining us at the colourQ. Happy Easter!

  3. LOVELY clean CAS card, so FRESH! Thanks for joining us at CASology, so kind of you to play along!

  4. This is lovely Marlena. Gorgeous 'white' space. Love how you flower image overhangs the edge of the card too. Glad to hear of your friend's prognosis, and good on you for appreciating life's simple gifts. Happy Easter!

  5. Sorry, forgot to add: thanks so much for linking up to CASology this week!

  6. Hear hear! I am totally with you, Marlena, and I'm feeling like now that I'm out of a stressful, unhappy workplace and am loving every minute of my new job that it's really allowed me to be more aware of every moment and to really enjoy each one.
    Love the bold pops of colour on your inspirational card! Thanks for playing along with CASology this week!

  7. Sweet your wonderful style! And wonderful news on your friend too. Thank you so much for playing along with us at ColourQ!


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