
Saturday, March 14, 2015

Live the Life & the Forgotten Snoopy Dustball

I love my life right now.

Not the physical ailing part....that I can do without.....but

the "I like myself; I like my husband; I like my kids; I like my dog; I don't have to impress....."

hahahahaha....don't worry, this 'lil guy is not my role model!!!

I've always wrinkled my nose, even as a kid, when I've seen him enter the TV screen...

I've even felt a sneeze coming on! ha!

Felt kinda bad about that....especially since I don't even know his name.

What's his name?

Anyone know his name? 
I shall guilt no longer!

Especially since I've found a "home" card for him...

  his sticker paired with this journaling card, sentiment and arrow paper clips...

I feel like we are almost friends and he's got more "personality" now.

He's probably super funny once you get to know him. ;)

Although I might need an allergy pill standing around him.


stamp: Verve Words of Wisdom
other: Basic Grey Snippets (Coordinates with Carte Postale), Ikea Arrow Paper Clips
ink: Versafine Onyx


  1. His name is Pig-Pen! I wonder if he has a big fan base. Anyway, he's wonderful on your card and he doesn't seem to mind his own filth, so he's free to enjoy!

  2. Hi, yep - he's Pig Pen, and I'm a bit of a fan. He is totally harmless, and dirt just gravitates towards him. I have a son, so I appreciate him even more now (Pig Pen that is) :-). You have coloured him beautifully - he looks just perfect and I love your arrows going all over the place - perfect boy's card.
    cheers, Dianne

  3. Love your card Marlena! I am a huge Snoopy fan, and Pig Pen is a great character! You colored him perfectly and I love your sentiment. Thanks for sharing!
    Nina-Marie :)

  4. I think you've given Pig-Pen plenty of love and an opportunity to be the star of the stage here! Brilliant card! Actually, he's a good reminder that I need to vacuum today, otherwise, I'll be dressed in his style very soon...the dust bunnies are accumulating *grin*

  5. So cool! Love what you did with Pig Pen!

  6. That's Pig Pen! He was never my favourite character -- I always felt sorry for him, like he didn't have anyone to take care of him....
    Your card is so fun! Great take on the sketch!


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