
Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Not a Moment

Are there moments when you are posting a card you made, and you read it for the first time?

Have you ever felt ministered to by your OWN card?


It JUST happened.

I'm not making this up.

It totally just happened.

I'm like, my own friend. ;)


I'm kinda nice, sending myself a card like this.


jk, guys, jk

*that's teen text for "joking" by the way in case you aren't "in the know"...

you're welcome. ;)


I really, really needed to read it this morning.

look at how God works.





  1. So glad He used the creative gifts He gave you to speak to you! I love your wonderful card!

  2. Marlena, how fabulous is your card, not only with the papers and layout, but the message itself! Powerful! I know you'll love it *grin*, as I most certainly do. You're funny and incredibly clever! That's why visits here are awesome!


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