
Sunday, February 15, 2015

Life is Good

There was time for me to create a card for the

I just dove ahead with my abstract-loving heart and chopped off wherever I wanted.

I softened the angles with a circular sentiment panel.

The partial green banner and partial patterned circle finished off those favorite sheets of mine.

Don't you love when you've used up every last bit of a piece of paper and you can throw away the scraps~guilt free?


Happy sigh....

stamp: Technique Tuesday Ordinary Days
ink: Versafine Onyx
dies: Spellbinders Circles, My Favorite Things Die-namic Sentiment Strips


  1. Lovely piece of abstract art, Marlena! So happy to have you playing along with us again at Color Throwdown!

  2. What great abstract angles! Thanks so much for playing along with us at the Color Throwdown this week!

  3. How pretty with all the different angles....perfect use of the colors, too!!! Love this, Marlena!!!! Thanks for joining us for the Color Throwdown Challenge!!!

  4. Fun abstracts/angles!! Dang it, I use up the scraps and just seem to come up with more...WUWT! So happy you played along at CTD!!

  5. MARLENA! *waving wildly* My sweet friend, mega apologies for having fallen 25 (yes, twenty-five) posts behind in commenting *hanging head in shame*! I have, however, gazed at, admired and oohed and ahhed over each and every one of your fabulous creations as they appear in my Feedly! Always, your innovative, thinking-out-side-the-box cards and projects (your phone apps are uber cool) dazzle and delight! So much to marvel at! I'm going to stand myself in the corner for a bit, then hopefully, get my act together to stay on top of your creations (blaming my tardiness on new work duties, travel, more travel, more work and overall scatteredness, as I try to adjust to life with a piece missing...). Thank you for understanding and for being such an AMAZING friend! Your card here: abstract awesome!
    Hugs galore~c


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