
Sunday, February 8, 2015

Keep in Touch for Goodness Sake

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there are fun challenges everyday and there IS TIME, friends, to participate in at least one of them.

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As for my card...two things....

ONE...I've realized (since following Instagram accounts) I'm fascinated by architecture!

It explains my need for angles...pointy, interesting...boxy sections. ;)

I'm not very masculine, so I knew it couldn't be what brings about my abstract designs...

but NOW I KNOW it's shapes and probably the 70s kid in me.


Ok, mushy alert....

run away while you can...



That is all. ;(

In fact, I hold out on "hey, let's get to know each other" until that person somehow creeps into my heart somehow and before you know it...


They slip away and my heart is left hurting.

That's the cost of being a proud, but weary military wife for over 20 years.

"We've" been retired for 6 years and guess what???




It stinks.

The good news... God allows me to somehow love someone new...

 despite my determination to protect myself.

Tears have become more comfortable for me.

I've recently turned 45 and guess what?

I've learned to embrace tears.

If I don't...they come out like harsh daggers directed toward some unsuspecting peeps and eat away at my soul or make me calloused and cold.

So, goodbyes stink.


But, the pain is evidence that I still have a heart.

This tinman/tinlady 




Ok, enough mush...

stamps: Papertrey Ink (Rosie Posie, Year of Flowers:Roses, Meadow Greens, The Sweet Life,Happy Trails)
ink: Versafine Onyx
paper: Bazzill, Simple Stories Color Vibe 1&2
die: Papertrey Ink Hello Sunshine


  1. This is such a pretty card! I love the angled sentiment banner and the design of your bouquet.
    Sending you ((HUGS)) because I think you need one. ;0)

  2. Very pretty card Marlena. I love the bold stamping on patterned paper. I know what you mean about the military and goodbyes. I am a civilian born and raised in a military town and I have had to say goodbye to one to many of my friends. It is truly hard.

  3. Love the bold flowers on the patterned paper. You're right, goodbyes are awful!

  4. Just beautiful Marlena, bold blooms on great paper with a great layout! Good byes are never forever, their just 'until we meet again' when the Lord is your God. Big parties in Heaven, my friend!


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