
Saturday, January 17, 2015


Freedom is hard to come by.

I mean, we have's there, but for some reason we love putting the shackles on ourselves and those we love.

The Lord has given me a verse this past year and a half...

"Perfect love casts off fear" 1John 4:18.

I've needed this, friends.

He has shown me how much I am motivated by fear....

fear of what others think, fear of failing, fear of getting trapped, fear of...

you name it, I've feared it.

Jesus has set me free and continues to set me free.

I have extended to my oldest the freedom to figure out who she is in Christ and what God wants her to do.

She's in a state of "after graduation" and "before the rest of her life" and for various reasons, she is "being still" right now and I'm ok with that.

I remember being her age and that little window of "just me" was very narrow before I met my husband and life swept me away.

Back then, I was driven with the desire to please everyone around...but I don't want that for her...except for the desire to please the Lord.

In HIM is true freedom and I praise God for that.

Daily I accept His leadership in my life to "free my soul" and He keeps me from bogging my girlies down with fearful expectations and unnecessary burdens.

Life is too short to toss about in the waves of worry...but it can be an incredible journey when we trust HIM.

Word Art Wednesday Challenge #166:Anything Goes

stamp: Verve Happy Days
other: Melody Ross button
paper: Georgia Pacific white,  Cosmo Cricket 2WENTY-THR3E, sliver of Echo Park Here&Now
ink: Versafine Onyx

1 comment:

  1. Your card is a wonderful interpretation of the 'trust' that has set you free from fear. I'm inspired immensely by what you've shared, as I, too, am often driven - and motivated (yikes!) - by fear...of judgement, of failure, of not doing what's expected...of being a....loser! I'm keeping this post book-marked; you're speaking to me with words that I 'need' to hear...and heed!


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