
Sunday, November 3, 2013

life IS good

Life IS good.

I believe no one celebrated that louder than Cath Edvalson

on her Moxie Fab site.

Every post brimmed with MORE than just cards and card making supplies.

Cath inspired.

Cath cared.

Cath was present.

She touched upon the truth...the secret...that we cardmaking bloggers do more than just make cards.

 We live in this world, all over the world...experiencing life through our own perceptions.

Our cards are more than just cards.

They are extensions of ourselves.

For many of us...they are our voice.

A mini work of art that says 




For me, personally, my blog is a ministry and a place where I am more than a wife or mother.

I am a woman with a voice.

Cath recognized this.

I will forever be grateful for her inspiration, courage and huge heart.

I hope she will appear in this capacity again real soon...I want to be a part of any party she is hosting!

Here's to you Cath~you've blessed me immensely!

hugs and kisses,



  1. What a wonderful, heart-warming and bringing tears to my eyes tribute to Cath. To say I was shocked with news of her departure is an understatement. Her passionate post captures so well the essence of *who* she is; your post, through your eloquent "Marlena style" conveys well what she meant to us, as a person who cared, inspired, influenced. And yes, yes, a thousand times yes, you have captured what making cards means to so many of us. That tiny piece of art that says I was here. Marlena: beautiful. Blessings in my life: I count you as one of the most wonderful! Your card is perfect.

  2. Great card and the perfect words to accompany it :)
    Kate x

  3. Oh Marlena, I love this wonderful, heartfelt post and your card is beautiful!

  4. Beautifully said, Marlena! I know that's how Cath would like us to remember our time together! Love your card!

  5. Your touching post made my eyes teary, Marlena! I love the subtle and sophisticated color palette for the card! Beautifully done!

  6. Marlena you captured our hearts' feelings. Life is so precious, and good because of good people like Cath. A treasured post!

  7. What a lovely tribute to Cath, have such a beautiful way with words!!! Your card is sooo pretty...the colors, papers and sentiment are all fabulous!!!

  8. Marlena - so beautifully put. "The secret."
    Thank you for saying this so well.

  9. What a beautiful, touching post, Marlena! I love the soft colors of your pretty card.

  10. Beautiful card, matched only by your beautiful words. Thank you for sharing this, Marlena. Cath will be sorely missed!
    xxx Asha - Sunny Summer Crafts

  11. Such a beautiful card, love the mix of patterns and such beautiful words. Hugs Bev x

  12. My dearest Marlena,
    I am deeply touched by this post. I can't tell you how overwhelmed I am to know that something I created has come to mean so much to so many, and yet, you have gone ever deeper into its meaning. I have always been so inspired by your insightfulness, and these words, and your card, simply deepen the bond.

    Thank you, thank you, for all the love and support you have shown me and the Moxie Fab World all these years. You are such a treasure, and you will always live in my heart. :)

  13. Beautiful card - and you expressed yourself so beautifully too!


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