
Monday, November 11, 2013


Apparently, my husband is happy to see me crafting up a storm lately.

He said I'm really grouchy when I don't get my crafty time in.

My daughter concurs.


Well, go ahead and CeLeBrAtE, family!

Mama bear will try to create more often so she's pleasant to be around!


stamp: Our Daily Bread Time
ink: WPlus9 white,Memento Pistachio
die: My Favorite Things Solid Skyline


  1. No worries Marlena... I get crabby if I don't get my creative time in either! :) Beautiful card. Love the clock image. Thanks for playing along with our "Negative Energy" challenge at Flourishes!

  2. This is fabulous Marlena! I love the asymmetry of the dark die cut piece. Great colours and love the clock. Thanks for playing along with our Timeless Tuesday challenge at Flourishes.

  3. heehee.. we all get grouchy.. nothing like crafting to make us feel better.. this card is way too cool.. great design..

  4. Lucky for us we always catch you in a good mood! LOL. Gorgeous card, Marlena....negative sillhoette - that's just pure genius!
    xxx Asha - Sunny Summer Crafts

  5. Card-making = therapy, guaranteed to lift the spirits. Simple math! My husband knows that short-changes in my craft time makes me a grumpo, so like the wise man he is, he just stays in his 'cave' (working on his fleet of bikes) while I play in mine. Crafting - good for the soul! Your card: amazing!!

  6. Lovely card with a wonderful layout!

  7. Gorgeous card Marlena, so elegant :)
    Thanks for joining us at Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Challenge
    Mandy xx


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