
Sunday, August 25, 2013


Gratitude turns what we have into enough...

that pretty much says it all, doesn't it?!

This sentiment is perfect for the 

I used a Sakura Souffle pen I've had for YEARS to faux stitch the card and an ancient stapler for embellishing.

When I bought the set of pens...I thought I would use it more often~shamefully, 

I haven't.

However, I was grateful that it hadn't dried out yet~

Hope you get to use those ink pads and pens before they dry up...

thanks for stopping by today, friends~

stamp: Sweet Stamp Shop Fall Gratitude
ink: Versamark,WPlus9 white ink,Memento (teal zeal and rich cocoa)
paper: DCWV Chickadee stack,Fancy Pants Swagger
other: stapler,Sakura Souffle pen,Recollections Glacier embossing powder

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