
Thursday, August 29, 2013

Don't You KNOW????!!!

You DO know it, right????

You really do!

I mean, there is no one like you and there will never be again.


It's true.

Whether or not you're the best YOU is up to you.

But, either way...




and you would be missed.

Please believe that.

I LOVE to speckle with my Copics...but I tried something a little different here.

I took my "new to me" PTI The Sweet Life and staggered the various layers in colors represented at RIC.

I pray you be encouraged today~

stamps: Papertrey (The Sweet Life,Holiday Photo Finishers),Verve Words of Wisdom
dies: Photo Finish Strips,Mighty Oak
other: Fiskars crimper,Copics
paper: Georgia Pacific


  1. You are such a dearie! Such a happy post - thanks. And your card just oozes sunshine and happy. Love those techniques mixed and then the white die cuts.

  2. Love this post and I pray you are encouraged today too! Great, colorful card!

  3. Your card is just so sweet. Someone will be very encouraged when they receive it. I love all the colors.

  4. Very pretty design.

    Regards diane

  5. Aw... this is absolutely FABULOUS, Marlena! Gorgeous stamped background that you created! So glad that you join the fun with us at Runway Inspired Challenge! Love your positive attitude and encouragement :)

  6. Gorgeous card Marlena, the roses stamp is so pretty.
    Thanks for joining us at Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Challenge
    hugs Mandy xx

  7. Such beautiful stamping...I love it! Thanks so much for joining us on the Runway!

  8. Just coming here lifts my spirit... and to see a beautiful card also, is even better! :)

  9. That was a great post, good pep tal followed by a beautiful card, I liked having to really look to see what the images are. It gives an artistic effect!


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