
Tuesday, May 28, 2013

wOnDeRfUlLy AvErAgE dAy

I'm so grateful for ordinary days.

When my husband retired from the Army 5 years ago...I rejoiced in the fact that we could finally have the "average".

The melody of his tires coming up the driveway...even the rhythm of the trashcan being dragged down the road (by him, not me) is SWEET and oh so PRECIOUS.

"Hey hon, can you get this BIG BUG for me???" I squeal...batting my eyelashes.

He rolls his eyes, because he knows that I can handle these "muscle man" jobs...but to have him around to do them...



He's my prince. ;)

"YOU'RE MY HERO!!!" I yell after he's rescued me from these killer insects.

He may not be saving the world at the moment, like so many dedicated soldiers, 

but HE IS at home saving mine.

I APPRECIATE and RECOGNIZE the sacrifices of so many military, missionary, and "out of the ordinary" families that crave...

and HOLD OUT for the days when their lives will be ordinary and average.

We lived that roller coaster lifestyle for quite awhile.

There are so many who won't have ordinary again~because of the death of their loved one.

Treasure the ordinary and average.

For some...

those days are novel and extraordinary~

stamps: Technique Tuesday Ordinary Days
ink: Papertrey Ink (New Leaf,Enchanted Evening),Memento Ink Dandelion 
other: Want2Scrap bling,Crop-A-Dile corner chomper
paper: Georgia Pacific white,Bazzill blue


  1. Sending a salute to your husband. I was in the Marine Corps. Love your beautiful card!

  2. What a great saying to put on a stamp. Thanks for hanging out at The Play Date Cafe this week, good luck! :)

  3. Wonderful card and wonderful tribute to your DH, Marlena. Sending a big THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE out to him :)

  4. LOVE this! Such a fabulous card! So glad you could join us in the Play Date Cafe!


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