
Saturday, December 1, 2012

A Dash of Blues and Brown

I was 29 when I came to know Jesus.

I relate to the wise men who traveled many miles...

except my journey was

in years.

I wouldn't go back to being Marlena alone~
without Him.

This was a 10 minute card on the dot....

I used the last 45 seconds to finish the card off with a light blue (I forgot about that color being in the challenge).

10 Minute Craft Dash #7

stamps: Sweet 'n Sassy Seek Him Still
ink: Memento Rich Cocoa,Ranger Tim Holtz walnut stain
dies: Spellbinders Deckled Rectangles
paper: Authentique Genuine,Georgia Pacific white,Bazzill light blue,DCWV Naturals stack
other: Crop-a-Dile corner chomper,Want2Scrap bling


  1. Love the way you tore the edges and that little addition of light blue at the end really completes this card. Such a lovely creation!

    So glad you were able to find some time to play in the 10 Minute Craft Dash, Marlena! Hope you'll join in the next challenge- it's a GREAT one with some special guests and a big prize! :)

  2. Marlena, I wouldn't go back for anything not even for one minute. Your card is quite a bearer of wisdom. Ten minutes, I'm quite sure I couldn't even get the paper torn in that time. We have to keep getting the Word out. Every card you make is going to touch some person smewhere and that my friend is what it's all about. Those camels and wisemen are moving forward to the LIGHT. Thank you so much for linking with us at WAW. We appreciate your heart in this card and all your work.
    Psalm 103 Blessings,
    Carole Robb Bisson,
    Word Art Wednesday

  3. This is an amazingly beautiful and meaningful card, Marlena. I so enjoy how you share your heart when you share your beautiful art. You are such a blessing and encouragement, and I consider it our blessing that you share your talents with us by participating in our challenges. You are just such a sweet person, and His love and goodness shine through your posts. Thanks so much for being a great source of His goodness. May He bless you for blessing us!
    Karen L
    Word Art Wednesday

  4. I wouldn't have know you created this card in ten minutes! I love the details, and the overall card itself!

  5. Gorgeous card and I love the bit of bling! Thanks for playing along with the Anything Goes Challenge over on the SImon Says Stamp Challenge Blog this week!

  6. Wow Marlena, I can't believe you created this in 10 minutes!!! Simply stunning! Love the blue fringe peeking our from behind the mat. Thanks for sharing with us at Word Art Wednesday. Blessings!


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