
Tuesday, November 13, 2012


Mahalo my fellow bloggers/crafters/friends~

thank you for visiting me today!

*a note about MAHALO....

I came across a newcomer to Hawaii...and bless her heart...she thought that

everyone was calling her "trash".

Mahalo is said all over Hawaii...usually it is a "thank you, come again" farewell/greeting~

Well, it is also printed on trash cans.

As in, "THANKS for throwing away your trash".

LOL...poor thing!!!

I can see the misunderstanding~

I'M SO GRATEFUL I COULD translate for her that she was NOT being called trash. ;)



Mahalo is a good thing~

Also, I used Erin's timeless chipboard technique here.



stamp: Waltzingmouse My Island
ink: Memento Rhubarb Stalk
paper: Little Yellow Bicycle Acorn Hollow DP,Georgia Pacific white cardbase
other: cereal box cardboard,MS twine,Crop-a-Dile corner chomper,Elmer's glue stick
die: Papertrey Ink Counting My Blessings,Movers and Shakers Spinners and Edgers #1 Die


  1. Love that true story and so glad you could clear up that she was not being called trash… poor thing. Sweet story!.
    Gorgeous card, and perfect way to use the Mahalo.

  2. LOL! Such a funny story! Poor thing! And your card is fantastic! LOVE those tall, chubby trees!

  3. LOVE your card, Marlena~and the cute story...I didn't know you are living in Hawaii. How wonderful! One of my favorite trips with my DH was the two weeks we spent touring the Islands and their breathtaking scenery.

  4. This is WONDERFUL Marlena! Love your trees and how you put all those great details together! Thanks for playing with us at WMSC, hugs, Karin

  5. I heard 'mahalo' used often when I visited Hawaii in October. It's a lovely word! And I like how you used it on your card, being thankful for blessings. :) Happy Thanksgiving, Marlena!

  6. OH! That is a funny story--and I feel HORRIBLE for your new friend! Poor thing!! Glad you were there to help!

    What a fabulous card--LOVE the colors and that chipboard technique! MUST give that a try! FAB x10:)

    ps...THANKS for your sweet comments on my blog! You made my day!

  7. Love the two sentiments together! The LO is perfect for those trees! Wonderful that you were able to clear up the misunderstanding!

  8. Beautiful layout! I love the trees and the Mahalo sentiment works beautifully!

  9. Oh dear, LOL! Not the thing a newcomer wants to be called :0 This is such a sweet the bit chipboard letters! The tree paper is so cheery...a perfect mahalo card! ;)

  10. this is awesome...hope you have a great day!

    enjoy *~*

  11. Love the little trees/pussywillows? Whatever they are- they sure are cute! Funny story btw...


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