
Saturday, November 24, 2012

~Ala Mode Just a Note~

I've always liked the trendy MFT ala modes...I finally got one!

Isn't she sweet?

I went radical with sunbeams from Papertrey's Hello Sunshine and the eraser element from Teach  & Inspire (my new abstract weapon of choice). ;)

I was definitely inspired by these dresses that have so much don't have to budge to get the vibe.

Shazzammo, right?!!

Word Art Wednesday #55 Anything Goes

I cannot believe there is snow on the's really that time!!!!

stamps: My Favorite Things ala modes You are Unrepeatable,Papertrey Ink Hello Sunshine and Teach & Inspire eraser


  1. Marlena: I know I say this all the time, but it's true - your art always makes me smile. I love your bright, vibrant color choices, your lively style, and your zest for life. You bless me through your art, and I'm always SO thrilled to see you link up and share with us in our challenges at Word Art Wednesday.
    I sure hope you're doing well, and that you had a blessed Thanksgiving. Hope to see more of you in the weeks ahead, my friend.
    Blessings to you,
    Karen L
    Word Art Wednesday

  2. Such a fun card! Love how you used the sunbeams!

  3. Marlena, if you could see me you would know what a stretch this is, but I could see me in those spike heels parading down the runway, so I had a great huge smile. Your little blonde go go dancer is just about as sweet and trendy as she can be. I love the way you have the music vibes different lengths and styles. It's a great card. Thank you so much for sharing it with us at WAW.
    Psalm 103 Blessings,
    Carole Robb Bisson,
    Word Art Wednesday

  4. I think this is so funky and cool! Your designs are always so whimsical!

  5. Cute, Marlena! Perfect for the inspiration! Great work!

  6. Your card is crazy and fun- it has great energy! Thanks so much for joining us on the Runway!


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