
Saturday, September 1, 2012

~Live the Life~

The life I've lived is not what I far as the little details go, anyway.

I didn't plan on moving around every few years and starting over and over and over...with my husband gone half the time.

In fact, I didn't have much say in where we would move or when he'd be gone.

Minor details. ;)

But, I DID

 imagine a house of love and contentment~surrounded by family.

Life in the military moved me from my home base...

but in time, God used it to shape a new home base.

Wherever we move...we have each other.

No matter the is home.

It's by God's grace that I live the life I imagined ~according to the big details.

I'm submitting this card to

My colors were inspired by ColourQ Challenge #152.

I tried to keep in mind the Gallon/Quart/Pint Challenge in the Moxie Fab World
while working with these lovely colors.

Thank you for stopping by~

Supplies:Echo Park Paper Teal Quatrefoil,Studio Calico Abroad Paper,Verve Words of Wisdom,Little Yellow Bicycle Felt Stickers,Tsukineko Memento ink rich cocoa


  1. This is so sweet, Marlena. It always delights me when you are able to share your art with us at Word Art Wednesday. Thanks so much for sharing, and have a great week!
    Karen L
    Word Art Wednesday

  2. Such a lovely post, Marlena, although we are not military, my life has been the same. I married a farm boy, but with his degree and blessings from God, he went to work in an industry that took us all over the world. In the last 42 years I have moved 14 times and my husband is always away working. But we are all blessed for sure. I love the card you made and the reason behind it. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and card with us at the colourQ this week!

  3. That must be a challenge, moving so much, but how wonderful that the Lord has revealed the big picture to you. Lovely card! Blessings, Tracey

  4. Marlena, your post is beautiful. I've lived in the same town my entire life, so I couldn't imagine how hard it would be to move so much. I love your use of this weeks colors. Thanks for joining us at the ColourQ.

  5. Love these colors. I don't any of us -well no one I know- lives the life they dreamed of. But I'm grateful that when we follow Jesus-our dreams change & become what he wants. It's so much easier! Thanks for playing with us @ Word Art Wednesday.

  6. That's a beautifully crafted card, Marlena. Having an Airforce Base in town has allowed me to befriend some God loving families from all over our country. The closer we get, the harder it is when they move. However, I still treasure their friendships and thank the Lord for the blessings we shared. Blessings to you and your husband.

  7. Hey Marlena! Thanks for linking this up to the Gallon/Quart/Pint Challenge in the Moxie Fab World. I'm so glad you joined in on all the fun! :)


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