
Thursday, August 9, 2012

~Go Confidently~

Got a bit random today.

I get it from my girlies.

Random is IN, you know.

My youngest is begging to go buy a stuffed Jamaican banana~dreadlocks and all

(rumored to be in an amusement park shop 4 hours away from us) .


This is her dream.

I can't make this stuff up.

I combined two stickers to create a random scene for her in honor of the

Maybe she'll get that banana soon~or perhaps she'll search for a crowned rhino or anything else random that's CLOSER to our house.

I used Tim Holtz black crackle paint to edge a layer of this card.

Thanks to 

my rhino gets crowned!

Stamp: Verve Words of Wisdom
Stickers: Me & My Big Ideas Safari Stickers,Glitzers Beautiful Dreamer
Paper:My Mind's Eye All is Bright,Bazzill silver
Other:Ranger Super Fine Detail black embossing powder,EK laurel leaf trim


  1. Thanks for the chuckle today. What goes through the minds of youngin's...Your card is a lot of fun. The glittery crown is so cute, and I adore the colors here.

  2. Love this fun card - the rhino looks great with a crown!!
    Thanks for joining us at DYSU this week xx

  3. So much fun - love the randomness!! The dreadlocked banana sounds, well . . . interesting??? LOL ~ Blessings, Tracey

  4. Somehow the crowned rhino works with the Jamaican stuffed banana <===most definitely not a series of words that I would have expected to type together! I love your stories!

  5. HahahahaHA! Your post cracks me up! These kids, where oh where do they GET this stuff? A banana with dreadlocks? LOL! In the meantime, LOVE the crowned rhino, the colors are so fun and he is cute. Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

  6. hehe! this card brought a smile to my face -- love the crowned rhino, and the sentiment is perfect! :)

  7. I think it looks just fabulous too - love the sentiment and colours...Thanks so much for joining in with Simon Says Stamp & Show. Sarah.

  8. Great card!! Love your 4 legged friend. Thanks for joining us at DYSU this week. Great sentiment too! Hugs, Joan

  9. Marlene, love the rhino. Everything works on this card. The background echos the white scallop in front and the black edging really finishes off the whole thing.

  10. What a fun card mom!!!

  11. Hey Marlena! Thanks for linking this up to the Minty Fresh Challenge in the Moxie Fab World! I'm so glad you joined in on all the fun! :)

  12. Funny post. Funny and original card. Love the minty crown!

  13. Love your (truly) inspired card, Marlena! Your little story and this card put a smile on my face :o)


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