
Wednesday, August 1, 2012


I found some stickers that have been laying around awhile and paired them with this gorgeous frame.

The bird is from ODBD.

I was inspired by

My thoughts?

Ugh.  This is tough.

I was thinking about when my husband was deployed for 15 months...and the normal, everyday feelings that were hard to enjoy.

 I had to remind myself to LIVE,FEEL,EXPERIENCE...even if I felt guilty for laughing, discovering, enjoying our kids (while he was probably in danger and not laughing so much).


I REMEMBER laughing one minute...then grieving the next...knowing he wasn't there to see the girlies grow.

God taught me to cry then.

It was easier to NOT FEEL.

But God showed me I needed to.

I needed to grieve, cry, laugh...even just a little...because it glorified Him, and meant I was ALIVE.

Sometimes, even when life is so black and STARK or even bleak...

we need to FEEL.

Even if it's a little bit, like the pops of color here.

Or even here, at

Moxie Fab's Tuesday Trigger:Type Hype

The pretty lil' dots bring a bit of life to this dark,black machine.

Enough to say...

"Sense,share,cry,feel,see, discover!"

Stamp and die: ODBD You Will Find Refuge
Other: stickers, Little Yellow Bicycle Clear Cut Shapes,Want2Scrap bling,Scor-Tape Adhesive 1/4"
Embossing powder:Ranger Super Fine Detail black



  1. Wonderful card, love the black and white, very striking and the text is wonderful. Tha ka so much for,joining in the Simon Says Stamp and show Challenge. Tracy x

  2. What a beautiful card, and thank you for sharing your thoughts and feelings too. Have a happy day hunny, Jo x

  3. Card is cool, but your words are encouraging. Thanks.

  4. Hey Marlena! Thanks for linking this up to this week's Tuesday Trigger in the Moxie Fab World! I'm so glad you joined in on all the fun! :)

    ...and some good advice here as well! :)

  5. Congrats on your win at the Trigger- love what you've written here too. Tough times teach us so much. And you're so right- we need to feel and teaching to feel. God knows how to comfort and lead us too. Great to be alive even when it's really tough. Thanks for your honesty x

  6. Congrats on winning at Moxie Fab World!


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