
Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Word Art Wednesday July 25

This is my last week as guest designer for Word Art Wednesday.

It was such a blessing~thank you ladies, for having me!

Here is the card I created with this week's quote.

I suspect that most of the battles we face first, are in the mind.

It can be so discouraging when we take our eyes off of God and look at our feeble selves.

I KNOW I'm not all that.

But HE IS.

When I focus on that...I can face another day!

As for details on the construction of this card...

I resized the beautiful quote and printed it. Then, I stamped clouds from KaiserCraft's Fine & Sunny over the sentiments and cut them out.

The kite is from Pink Paislee's Prairie Hill-I heat embossed it with Stampendous Pearlustre Rubellite.

The arches were made by die cutting Spellbinders classic circles...four at the same time.

I sure hope you'll join us this week to share your work!

Also, check out the color combo at Color Throwdown #202

Sentiment:Word Art Wednesday
Stamps:Pink Paislee Prairie Hill kite,KaiserCraft Fine and Sunny clouds
Ink:Versamark,Ranger Jenni Bowlin Spice Tin and Weather Vane
Dies:Spellbinder classic circles
Paper:Bazzill,Making Memories Just Chillin'
Other:Martha Stewart border punch,Crop-A-Dile corner chomper


  1. Marlena, thanks for sharing your inspiring work at Word Art Wednesday this month!! This card is sooooo delightful. Love how you used the Word Art and connected the fab kite to the clouds!! ~ Blessings, Tracey

  2. I so love your layout...the kite and rainbow are great for the sentiment!

  3. aww I love this...such a cute design...

  4. Love your colorful kite & fabulous quote!

  5. This is a cute card. I like the saying on the clouds!

  6. I looove this, Marlena...the embossed kite is really pretty and I love the sentiment!!!!! Thanks for playing along with us at the Color's always wonderful to see your pretty cards in the gallery!!!!

  7. Fantastic design, fun colors and great sentiment;)

  8. Thanks so much for being our Guest designer this month. Your words & blog & cards are true inspiration to many!
    I love your sidebar tips!! LOL

    Hope to see you regularly @ Word Art Wednesday!

  9. Marlena, first of all: thanks so much for being our guest designer this month! I really appreciate all you've done.
    Second: I love this card. Love how you've done the scripture in the clouds. And with the kite..... sometimes we fly high and sometimes we fall down, but we always have to try to go up in the air. :-)

    And you are so right about the battles. Most of them are in our heads. We really have to give these battles to the Lord. He will fight for us.

    Thanks so much for sharing.


  10. Really great card.


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