
Monday, July 2, 2012


I'm so glad that the Lord has His own plans and doesn't go by the ones I've made. ;)

Oh the big plans I had for my of comfort, lack of irritation, and ease.

One in which I was always happy and never lonely.

Had I been given that life....I might not have met Him or wanted to know Him.

I might have been my own god.

That's a small god.

His way is higher than my way and His thought is higher than my thought. (Isaiah 55:9)

I have the nerve, sometimes, to question His plan in my life...even when I don't know what to cook for dinner that night!!!

I'm not proud of that, but I'm sure others can relate. ;)

Word Art Wednesday Challenge #34 has this beautiful verse to share with everyone.

Thank you for stopping in today.

Sentiment:Word Art Wednesday Challenge 34
Stamps: Heidi Swapp Memory File arrow and earth
Die:Spellbinders Postage Stamp 
Ink:Memento Ink Morocco and Rich Cocoa
Paper: Little Yellow Bicycle Hello Spring DP, Piggy Tales DP, Authentique Carefree DP,Georgia Pacific white
Other: Little Yellow Bicycle Vellum Tape Strips,Crop-A-Dile Corner Chomper


  1. Not only do I not know what's for dinner tonight, I can't even remember what we had for dinner LAST night, LOL. But I know that God always provides. Thanks for sharing this with us in this week's challenge at Word Art Wednesday. We're so excited to have you with us in July.
    Karen L
    Word Art Wednesday

  2. how fun...I love those fun arrows and such a fun design...

  3. I think your words were meant for me...thank you for the reminder.

  4. I think God cares even about what to have for dinner! He wants to be a part of our life in every way. Thanks so much for sharing your heart.

    Thanks for playing @ Word Art Wednesday!

  5. Great card. Love the pointers on it, which shows that your life is in Gods hand. Even though we have thought out our own paths... When we rely on God, He shows us His meaning for our lives. And if we are prepared to live our lives for His glory... Wow.... great things are going to happen.

    Thanks so much for sharing your art with us on WAW!



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