
Saturday, July 28, 2012


This past week of Archery Camp was a blast.

The girlies and I were so blessed to be a part of it!

I made thank you cards for the incredible coaches~I also created one for the new friend I made.

Forgive the dark photos~it was dreary when I photographed these~

I felt they would fit in Laurel's Inspired By #34 Challenge

It's funny, before this week, I would have said, "Those are lovely rosettes"~now, I'm looking for a point of reference to aim for! ;)

Yes, "point of reference,stance,nock,aim..."

I have a STACK of new words to add to my vocab list!

I am also entering this in Simon Says Stamp:Anything Goes

for my new friend~

Thanks for stopping by~it's always a pleasure!


Stamps: JustRite You're So Sweet
Ink:Tsukineko Memento Ink Tuxedo Black
Dies:Spellbinders Classic Circles
Other:toothpicks,yellow streamer,Zig red marker,Crop-a-Dile Corner Chomper
Adhesive:Scor-Tape 1/4"
Paper:October Afternoon Sidewalks,colored cardstock,Georgia Pacific white


  1. What fun cards, so creative! Thanks for playing at Inspired By!

  2. wow this is so totally cool...vert creative and fun..

  3. Such adorable, creative thank you cards!! ~ Blessings, Tracey

  4. These are wonderful! You are so creative.. love that it has that 3D factor to it, too! Thanks for playing along with the "Anything Goes" challenge over at the Simon Says Stamp challenge blog. :)

  5. SO much fun, what a perfect design for the archery people!


  6. Aren't these card fantastic. Love the bulls eye theme and the way your "thank you" circles the target. Great job with these creative projects.

  7. This is just TOO FUN, Marlena! What a brilliant idea! And thanks so much for the sweet comment you left on my PDCC post! It means so much to me to know so ;). Hugs!

  8. So creative, Marlena! Right on target : )

  9. Archery class? I'd love to do that again. I took a course in college, and my grandfather makes long bows. Your cards are too fantastic! Love the bright bold colors and your nod to archery!

  10. Brilliant cards Marlena, such a clever idea!
    Thanks for joining us at DYSU this week!

  11. I love the CAS graphic feel of these cards. Great colors and the round-a-bout sentiment is perfect. Great take on both challenges! Thanks for joining us at DYSU this week.

  12. Hi Marlena - i'm just glad to see that you had fun with these. Those targets turned out really well. Thanks for playing along with us at DYSU.

  13. I had to check out your post with that title. And what a cool card !

  14. Oh, how fun are these!! Love these! Very creative!!

    Thank you very much for joining us this week at the Simon Says Stamp Challenge Blog!



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