
Tuesday, April 10, 2012

~The Lord Is My Rock~

The Lord is my rock.

It always boiled down to that whenever we moved.

I was tested and molded during those times.

What or who did I lean on?

Where did I draw my strength from?

Was it God...

or my friends, church, and familiar surroundings?

Whenever I got comfortable, the Lord allowed a move again.

The hardest was out of my country!

back of the card
*Word Art Sentiment,BoBunny Weekend Market Collection, Ranger Tim Holtz Distress Ink Tea Dye,Georgia Pacific White*

I printed the free sentiment from Word Art Wednesday in three different sizes

and ended up using the middle size.

These papers are perfect for a sweet lady facing a move.

The verse is even more timely.

I know it hurts right now.

It always does.

I know God will show her great things and she will marvel at His provision and presence wherever she goes!

In fact, this move may be one of the major FAITH building experiences that she will draw from and remember.

Those were the moments where Jesus was my ONLY friend.

Everything and everyone else...friends,familiar structures and customs...

faded away.

 His love never fades away.


  1. Hi Marlena! Thanks for sharing your art with us in this week's challenge at Word Art Wednesday. I love to see people use and enjoy the free word art. Your post in very inspirational. Have a great week, and we hope to see you in the next challenge.
    Karen L

  2. This is wonderful. It is so easy to forget that God is there for us to lean on, as our rock, and try to do everything ourselves. I'm the biggest culprit for this :o(

    Margaret xx

  3. Your card is beautiful Marlena! This pryer is kinda big for a comment but , thought your friend might find comfort in it! I hope you don't mind Be at peace
    By Saint Francis de Sales

    Do not look forward in fear to the changes in life;
    rather, look to them with full hope that as they arise,
    God, whose very own you are,
    will lead you safely through all things;
    and when you cannot stand it,
    God will carry you in His arms.

    Do not fear what may happen tomorrow;
    the same understanding Father who cares for
    you today will take care of you then and every day.

    He will either shield you from suffering
    or will give you unfailing strength to bear it.
    Be at peace,
    and put aside all anxious thoughts and imaginations.

  4. Thank you so much for sharing with us at Word Art Wednesday! It's wonderful to hear how the Lord Jesus has been guiding your life. Your card background with the suitcases is perfect for this verse!

  5. What an inspiring post, Marlena. I've moved 4 times in the past 10 years (different states), and it is hard. *hugs* Your card is AMAZING! I love the back as much as the front, too. Great stitching, and I love how you really put the sentiment as the focal's so powerful!

  6. What a beautiful sentiment. I just became Catholic at the Easter Vigil last Saturday, an amazing experience, and a whole new journey of realizing the Lord's love ahead of me.

  7. Sooo pretty!!!! such a cool card mom!!!


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