
Sunday, March 25, 2012

~Liebster Award~

I received the sweetest comment from Lisa at I'm in Haven, letting me know that I was nominated for the Liebster award!

This award is given to up-and-coming bloggers who inspire you and have less than 200 followers. The Liebster Award takes its name from the German word meaning "Beloved, Dearest, or Favorite."  As part of the tradition, you then pass the award on to five bloggers that have motivated and inspired you.  
 The new honorees are now asked to do the following:
  1. Acknowledge the blogger who gave you the award by linking back to them.
  2. Give this award to 5 other bloggers, who must have less than 200 followers, and let them know through a comment on their blog.
  3. Post the award on your blog
  4. Best of all:  Bask in the glory, have fun, and SHARE THE LOVE 

      I am so touched and honored, you don't even know!!! She is so sweet and TALENTED, you have to check out her work.   I am in awe that she finds ME inspirational.  God bless you Lisa!  You have definitely blessed me!

    There are so many awesome bloggy friends that I can think of. It's hard to choose only five!  It took me a few days to narrow down the following five bloggers to pass this award on to:

1. Regina from My World My Solitude.
    She creates beautiful layouts and cards. She also blessed me with my very first comment when I started sharing on my Flickr account. It really blessed and encouraged me!

2. JJ from Ribbon Girls (Handmade Cards)
    JJ is incredible talented. I checked her blog, and I don't see that she's received this yet...but it wouldn't surprise me if she did. I am always inspired by her talent! I love the kinship we share~ we are both from Hawaii.

3.  Jocelyn Olson at Red Balloon Cards
    Her work is adorable and memorable! When she leaves you a comment, you feel like you've known her your whole life! She's such a great person.

4.  Sara Mac at The Unhurried Life. She is so genuine and true. I love her beautiful work. She is my other "bloggy sister" from Hawaii.

5. Janelle from Show and Tell. Her words, her work, her faith. They speak VOLUMES. There aren't enough words to share about Janelle and how she has touched so many hearts. In fact, I've just heard of a blog hop going on right now for her. Yes, that is how amazing she is.

Thank you ladies, for inspiring me!



  1. Congratulations on your award Marlena! Thanks for popping by my blog for the Color Me Creative Birthday Bash, hope you enjoyed the hop!

  2. Awww Marlena! How sweet of you! I'm so touched that you thought of me. I hope you know that the love and inspiration goes both ways:). I'm blessed to have met you and my life is definitely richer for it! You are one of the kindest people I know and are a fearless cardmaker! Your creativity always amazes me!

    Mahalo nui loa my dear friend:)

  3. Hey Marlena! Thanks so much for the award. It means so much that you thought of me. Hope you are well.


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