
Wednesday, January 25, 2012

~Papertrey Jan. Blog Hop/Happy Birthday Amanda!~

 Nichole Heady is encouraging us to look back at a favorite project from last year.

I want to share what I made for my daughter, Amanda...


I made her this card back in December, and I needed decor for today.

(Papertrey Ink In the Meadow sentiment,Technique Tuesday Inner circle for mouth and eyes,Zig pen brown for drawing in the line,Ranger Tim Holtz spiced marmalade ink,Papertrey ink premium dye in true black,MS fringe scissors,My Mind's Eye DP Ooh La La DP,AC cardstock neutral pack,felt,Spellbinders classic circles,Sizzix die for the mouth)

Here is the banner I created, based on the card.


Recognize Papertrey Ink's Shape-Up Series Snowman Die?

Don't put it away yet!

My baby girl



She is the coolest kid.

Eleven tops I want to share about my Amanda:

1.She is hilarious.  That kid will make you roll on the floor, holding your sides-because you don't want to split in two!
2.She has her own sense of SHAZAMMMM style:neon green and anything to compliment her love of green.
3.She is gifted and creative~that girl will come up with the MOST creative drawings and imaginative musings you've ever seen.
4.Determined:If you tell Amanda something is too hard for just anyone to do...she will make it her MISSION to accomplish the task.
5.Brave.She has a lion's heart. I have no doubt that child will save my life one day.
6.A sweetie pie: Amanda has a sensitive side that recognizes when someone (I) need a hug.
7.Quirky:in a really cool, "IT'S TRENDY" sort of way. She loves sock monkeys. She liked them way before they were cool and everywhere.
8.Athletic:Oh, you should've seen that kid on the soccer field. I can't believe I gave birth to a child that could run and score so naturally.
9.Beautiful. She has her Dad's gorgeous hazel eyes and lovely wavy hair that stems from her 1/2 Portuguese grandpa. Love her curls and eyes.
10.SO MUCH FUN. The party doesn't start until Amanda arrives. ;)
11. She's my baby. God gave her to me as the best birthday gift ever, 4 days before my 31st birthday.That child has given me so much joy and laughter. I am so blessed to be her mother. ;)

Thank you for stopping by and reading a mother's proud list. ;)

Enjoy Papertrey Ink's January Blog Hop!

Supplies:Papertrey Ink Shape-Up Series Snowman Die,Technique Tuesday Inner circle for mouth and eyes,Zig pen brown for drawing in the line,Staz-On pumpkin,American Crafts AC cardstock neutral pack,Spellbinders classic circles,My Mind's Eye DP,crepe paper,fishing line


  1. Oh my goodness Marlene, you are sooo creative. I love your monkey and what a fantastic way to use the snowman dies! Love it, love it!

  2. Awwwww. ;-) What a great list about your sweet daughter. I love it! And your monkey banner is just too cute! How creative to use the snowman die for it. Fantastic job. ;-)

  3. Happy Birthday Amanda! I think your sock monkey banner is just the cutes thing.What a great idea, and so creative! Snowman die ???? Sounds like your daughter is a true blessing!!

  4. Cute banner. Very creative use of snowman die. Happy Birthday Amanda.

  5. You have to take the prize for thinking outside the box today with this fabulous banner Marlena! Happy birthday to an amazing sounding Amanda!

  6. Well, your post is heartwarming, and your creations are as clever as ever. Happy birthday to you and your sweet daughter.

  7. Happy Birthday to Amanda!!! I enjoyed reading more about her. Sounds like she'd get along great with my girls. Love the sock monkey decorations too.

  8. What an ingenius way to use that die, so cute!

  9. Such a clever way to celebrate! Love the monkey! :-)

  10. What a clever girl you are Marlena~cute banner! Love the sweet list about your daughter;hope she has a wonderful birthday! Great view from your window too ;)

  11. OHHHH! What a fun monkey banner! LOOOOOVE the list of your top 11 things for your daughter! Tooooo precious! Hope she has a WONDERFUL bday! Psalm 118:24

  12. Happy birthday Amanda! Lucky you to have such a mom! Your sock monkeys are awesome, as is your original card--love the hat on that guy!

  13. So incredibly creative. LOVE the hats!! So, cute! :)

  14. What a darling card and you did an awesome job on the banner...WOW!!! I love the view outside you window, peacful and beautiful!!! You are such a wonderful mom...the tribute you wrote to your daughter touched my heart!!!

  15. What a genius idea to use the snowman die to create such a cute sock monkey! And then to go and make it a banner?! Awesome idea!

  16. Your sock monkeys are super adorable, you are so clever!!! Happy Birthday Amanda!!

  17. How cute is that monkey!!! Hope your 'little' girl loved all the attention today.

  18. FABULOUS - so much fun!!!Sorry for being so late on commenting, but I had to work late last night, hugs, Karin

  19. Wow! What a fabulous banner! I bet your darling daughter just loves it! What fun!

  20. Awww! Sweet project and sweet thoughts on your daughter:) Happy belated birthday to Amanda!

  21. Aww, what a sweet post! Your inspiration is phenomenal! What a way to make one super cool banner!

  22. What fun sock monkey projects, Marlena! Your daughter sounds lovely. I hope she had a wonderful 11th birthday!!!!

  23. Oh Marlena - what a fab project. I bet your lil sweetie will be so happy that you went through all of this work to make her day special. I love how you were doing out of the box thinking with this one :) So cool!

  24. Wow! From snowman to sock monkey-you really have your creative side working here! What a great daughter you have-may you two grow even closer as the years continue! I have an adult daughter who lives only three houses away-what a blessing!


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