
Wednesday, January 4, 2012

~Apart for Now~

You've got to go there and check out the inspirational photos...WOWZA! ;)

(Lawn Fawn Bon Voyage,Tradefish sentiment,Papertrey Ink premium dye true black,American Crafts AC cardstock neutral pack,Pink Paislee DP,Memento ink markers for the camouflage,MS fringe scissors)

My husband served 22 years.

We are retired now, but the military life was where we started.

There were many moments lost (birthdays and firsts).

What was missing God has put together and given back times 100. ;)

Thank your service people and pray for not only the soldiers...but those who are left behind.

Also, pray for their reunions!  

Piecing a family back together is the hardest struggle, sometimes, when the adrenalin rush and "I miss you" is done.

You've got a marriage that was spent mostly apart-sometimes you're almost strangers.

It takes a lot of work,faith,communication and GOD first to keep it all together, ya know?


  1. Thank you for your kind comment on my card - and right back atcha !! This is lovely ! I especially love the fringy bit - it really lifts the card, and it's something I'd never think about doing ! Going to stay and have a poke about your other posts !!!
    Margaret C

  2. nice card and great touch with the fringed edge!

  3. I love your take on the challenge...the card says it all!!!! My hubby is retired military, too, so I can relate very well!!!

  4. What a brilliant take on this challenge, really love the length of this and the frayed edges is too cool! Fabulous to hear of another marriage sticking tight and holding together!

  5. Such a meaningful card, I just love it

  6. This is *brilliant*, Marlena! I love the long shape of your card, and your use of the map background is perfect. Way to go!

  7. Such an awesome card Marlena! Love the way you have cut the strips in the map!

  8. Marlena, this is wonderful. The sentiment is so fitting, and the paper pieced aeroplane is a great touch.

  9. This is so sweet and clever idea with the map. Thank your husband for his time of service from my family would you please. As well thank you for your sacrifice of the missed moments that you had, as he served to keep us safe and protected.

  10. wow, loved your post, so much written there from the heart! Your card is awesome! It also speaks volumes!

  11. Marlena, your post is well said! Your card is awesome and I love that fringe!

  12. Marlena, LOVE the reason behind your card and the little missing pieces on the left that all came together! This is a BEAUTIFUL post! LOVE this card!

  13. This is gorgeous! What a beautiful sentiment!

  14. This is a wonderful card. I love how it tells a story.

  15. wow this is so awesome...I love it..
    very clever..

  16. Gorgeous card, Marlena! I love the strips of paper on the left side. Great meaning to this card, too!

  17. How fun is that little plane Marlena! I just LOVE how you've done it!! Fab card!

  18. Hey Marlena! Thanks for linking this up to the Map to Your Heart Challenge in the Moxie Fab World! I'm so glad you joined in on all the fun! :)

  19. Great card! Love what you said too:) My dad is retired Army, so I totally understand.


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